Contact details

All project-related questions can be sent to

Madeleine Nyman, project manager
+358 29 532 2336

Katja Holmala, scientific project manager, senior scientist
+358 29 532 7206

Iina Ala-Kurikka, communication coordinator
+358 29 532 2812

Mari Lyly, special planning officer, Finnish Wildlife Agency
029 431 2274

Mari Tikkunen, project planning officer, Finnish Wildlife Agency
+358 29 431 2239

Mikko Jokinen, project planning officer, Finnish Wildlife Agency
+358 29 431 2324

Henri Pelkonen, manager, game and fisheries supervision, Metsähallitus
020 639 6020

Harri-Pekka Pohjolainen, superintendent, Eastern Finland Police Department
+358 29 545 6567

Lauri Kajander, Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, Uusimaa district

Police and game warden patrol
+358 50 534 3174



LIFE BOREALWOLF conveys information about wolves and their behaviour, promotes local interaction and provides tools for the prevention of adverse impact and losses caused by wolves.

Project beneficiaries and financiers

Beneficiaries to the LIFE BOREALWOLF project, coordinated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), are the Finnish Wildlife Agency, Metsähallitus (Parks & Wildlife Finland), the Eastern Finland Police Department and the Uusimaa district of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.
Partner - Police logo
Partner - Luke logo
Partner - Metsähallitus logo
Partner - Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto logo
Partner - Suomen riistakeskus logo
The project has received funding from the EU LIFE programme (LIFE18 NAT/FI/000394). Other financiers are the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of the Environment and all implementing organisations. The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) funds actions which prevent losses and protect domestic animals.
This website has been compiled by the LIFE BOREALWOLF project. Project beneficiaries take full responsibility for the materials included on this website. European Commission or the CINEA is not responsible for materials or any use that may be made of the information the website contains.
EU Life logo